Seamonkey 2.0.4: crash crash crash post-update

J. Altman freebsd-announce at
Mon May 17 00:29:16 UTC 2010


uname -a:

FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2
#0: Sat May 15 11:47:55 EDT 2010
root at  amd64

This is a fresh build of world and updated ports. I have also
deinstalled and reinstalled Seamonkey, thinking I had to do with it
what I had to do to work around the X bug(s)[1] for the Radeon driver
following the X upgrade I performed on May 14. That manifested as an
inability to load both and

Unfortunately, the make reinstall of Seamonkey has not remedied
whatever its problem is.

Here is all I know; see footnote:

Seamonkey just blinks off. It's random; it does not appear to be
associated with any particular website nor plugin. It leaves no
core. It does restore my tabs. I should be explicit: this has never
happened on this installation until after the May 14th-15th update.

I've seen no bug reports filed recently; but is anyone else seeing
this and waiting to see if it's fixed silently?

I do see this in the Xorg.log:

record: RECORD extension enabled at configure time.
record: This extension is known to be broken, disabling extension now..

The referenced bug report has this (final?) entry:

Peter Hutterer      2010-04-15 23:40:39 PDT

I'm going to pretend this is all fixed now - at least how the bug
claims it is.

If there are any leftovers they're probably real bugs and should be
filed as separate bugreports. Thanks for everyone's help.


Thanks for any help, and best regards,


[1] Which bug(s) now appear to be manifesting as loss of attachment to
    the X display when using ctrl-alt-f1 to look at the console;
    meaning: I cannot reliably use ctrl-alt-f9 to go back to the X
    display. Which, in turn, required a complete reboot to regain the
    ability to use X (I logged in from a different machine and tried
    to kill off X to regain the console; no joy.) The ultimate result:
    I can no longer post the sole error message I had on the console
    regarding the Seamonkey issue. It had something to do with a "bad
    picture", IIRC. Sigh.

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