md5(1) and cal(1)
Karl Vogel
vogelke at
Tue May 11 17:57:30 UTC 2010
>> On Mon, 10 May 2010 17:35:45 -0800,
>> David Allen <the.real.david.allen at> said:
D> 1. Why doesn't cal(1) hilight the current day?
I'm not sure, but it's easy enough to script. See below the signature.
If you don't have /bin/ksh, change the first line to #!/bin/sh.
You definitely need either the Linux compatibility stuff or a decent
version of ncurses installed for this to work. The basic version of
tput (/usr/bin/tput) will not do the trick.
D> 2. Why doesn't md5(1) have a "check" option? Seems to me requiring a
D> manual inspection is error-prone at best, and makes scripting
D> unecessarily complicated.
Agreed. That's why I always install the GNU coreutils package, which
includes the "md5sum" program.
Karl Vogel I don't speak for the USAF or my company
If men ruled the world #14: The 'Cops' program would be broadcast live
so that you could phone in advice to the cops -- or crooks.
# $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2010-04-20 14:14:45-04 $
# $UUID: b604e100-38b2-33b6-8816-ab401a8fb12d $
# month
# Runs "cal" to get the current month, and uses the
# terminal standout codes to highlight today's date.
# Found this in a Unix mag
# Include /usr/compat/linux/usr/bin in PATH on FreeBSD unless you've
# installed a recent version of ncurses.
export PATH
DAY=$(date +%d | sed 's/0\([123456789]\)/ \1/')
SMSO=$(tput smso)
RMSO=$(tput rmso)
cal | sed -e 's/^/ /' -e "3,\$s/ ${DAY}/ ${SMSO}${DAY}${RMSO}/"
exit 0
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