OT: dead box
Olivier Nicole
Olivier.Nicole at cs.ait.ac.th
Mon Mar 22 00:00:06 UTC 2010
> Anybody got any ideas what the problem may be? I'm thinking possibly
> the power on switch but that seems a long shot and there seems no easy
> way to replace it.
In the process of dis-assembling the machine and re-assembling is, you
may want to use a rubber to clean the contacts on the RAM and various
boards. I use one of those white rubbers for pencil, remeber to remove
the dust before you put the card in the machine.
While assembling the CPU do not forget the thermo paste between the
CPU and the heat skin, do not over use it, a thin layer is enough.
You can check the CPU by shorting the light green and light blue wires
from the main connector (that would be 2nd and 4th from one end; but
colour are always light green 2nd and light blue 4th so far I have
seen), see if the fan on the power unit turn on. Be carefull, while
this is only 2 or 3 volts, your are delaing with a unit connected to
the main power. paper clip is a good way to do the test.
Good luck,
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