AMD 64 X2 - Dual Core?

Mike Tancsa mike at
Sat Mar 20 19:16:06 UTC 2010

At 02:46 PM 3/20/2010, Gene wrote:
>Hi -
>I just got a board with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 cpu. I was wondering -
>1) Is the amd64 8.0 release the fbsd of choice here?

Yes.  8.0R is the way to go. However, you might want to bring it upto 
date after installing it as there are a number of bug fixes and 
feature enhancements since the release of 8.0.  The FreeBSD handbook 
tells you how to do it.

>2) Does it take advantage of the athlon's dual cores?

Both the i386 (32bit) and AMD64 (64bit) versions take advantage of 
multiple cores.  If you have more than 4G of RAM, use the 64 bit 
version, otherwise use the 32bit install.


Mike Tancsa,                                      tel +1 519 651 3400
Sentex Communications,                            mike at
Providing Internet since 1994          
Cambridge, Ontario Canada               

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