Which version of FreeBSD is it?

Антон Клесс antoniok.spb at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 08:52:46 UTC 2010

18 марта 2010 г. 10:49 пользователь Tim Judd <tajudd at gmail.com> написал:

> On 3/17/10, Антон Клесс <antoniok.spb at gmail.com> wrote:
> > That is what I suspected for.
> >
> > What is the most safe way to upgrade it, remembering that this is
> production
> > server and I have to keep it working properly?
> >
> > 6.2-RC1 -> 6.2 RELEASE -> 7.2 RELEASE -> 8.0 RELEASE, or somehow in this
> > style?
> <snip>
> Honestly, if a system is going to go through that large of a change,
> here's what I'd recommend.  First scenario is the quickest running,
> then continue with the second to keep it up-to-date
> Since *ALL* configuration of base and ports is done by /etc and
> /usr/local/etc, back up those two directories to a tarball.  they're
> all text files so it should compress very well.  Note the packages
> currently on your system with a simple pkg_info.  This gets you a
> prime data set that can restore 99%+ functionality if used.
> Scenario 1:
>  pkg_info >/root/pkg_info.txt
>  tar -cPpzf /root/62rc1-config.tgz /etc /usr/local/etc /root/pkg_info.txt
>  ** keep this /root/62rc1-config.tgz archive in a safe 2 spots.  2 spots.
>  fresh install of 8.0R on the box.
>  extract, at minimum, the /etc entries from the tarball kept safely
> away from the box
>  for each package listed in pkg_info.txt, install from packages that
> package (just the QUICK way to bring a box to a usable state)
>  extract the /usr/local/etc from the tarball.  **TRY** to restart
> your services.
> The reason I state 'try' is that config files may have changed from a
> package version a.b to x.y, so you may need to tweak your config files
> to match the current package.
> Now that you have a live box again, able to serve requests, it's time
> to keep it maintained.
> Scenario 2:
>  install portaudit
>  run portaudit, fix any vulnerabilities
>  ** at this time, your system is safe from most vulnerabilities
>  run your favorite port management software to update the rest of the
> ports who do not have vulnerability advisories.
> I've used this tactic before, works well and WILL be faster than you
> updating your system from 6.2 to 6.4 to 7.2 to 8.0
> Let me know if you have questions.
> --TJ

Well, while my skills about FreeBSD is not good enough to let me feel OK to
experiment with 6.2 to 6.4 to 7.2 to 8.0 updating, and while server is hard
to physically access, I guess that just to do fresh install of RELEASE and
re-configuring it in the way that Tim Judd <tajudd at gmail.com> told, would be
much more quick and safe for my services running on this server now.

So the last question is which version (7.2 or 8.0) to choose. Am I right if
I say "there would no problems with hardware compatibility on 8.0 if there
wasn't on 6.2"?

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