Which version of FreeBSD is it?

Mikolaj Rydzewski miki at ceti.pl
Wed Mar 17 16:09:15 UTC 2010

Антон Клесс wrote:
> That is what I suspected for.
> What is the most safe way to upgrade it, remembering that this is production
> server and I have to keep it working properly?
> 6.2-RC1 -> 6.2 RELEASE -> 7.2 RELEASE -> 8.0 RELEASE, or somehow in this
> style?
If it works, do not fix it!

Actually, I'm facing exactly the same problem now: I want to upgrade 
6.2-RELEASE to something (8.0?) newer.

Since I don't have spare machine for tests, I'm playing now with 
VirtualBox (hosted on Linux). I'd like to test upgrade using 
cvsup/buildworld. After I will success on virtualbox I'll perform the 
same path on real machine.

Mikolaj Rydzewski <miki at ceti.pl>

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