Wow! ixsystems.....
Gary Kline
kline at
Sun Mar 14 17:00:56 UTC 2010
Late last night i finally surfed into the ixsystems pages.
WHile I haven't had a chance to check out the
price/performance ration and compare it to other sites [[or
maybe I'll do yet another roll-my-own]], I did happen on the
PCBSD link. It really does look like FreeBSD people who do
*not* wish to invest 101% of their lives getting
thing-to-work on the most stable OS ever. My one question
is: does at least everything that works under Ubuntu work
under PC BSD? I mean, things like setting my text fonts to
international? and being able to stream what streams {say,
"FRONTLINE" or NOVA} that PBS has.
Can i drop in a CD or DVD that I got from my pvblic library
and have it play without mucking around creating mount-points
like /media/dvd/0 and /media/cd/0? This is the latest thing
to break with my 7.3RC.2. The sound-juicer doesn't recognize
my music CD whereas my Ubuntu does. In other words, is
PCBSD closer to the "Just-Works"{TM} side of things?
tia, y'all!
Gary Kline kline at Public Service Unix
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