fstab NFS mount option recommendations

Joe Auty joe at netmusician.org
Sat Mar 13 23:28:37 UTC 2010

Forgot to add,

I also need to do some NFS mounts from my VM host which is hosted on
CentOS. I know that this isn't a Linux based list, but if you could
kindly keep the information about wsize and rsize numbers general enough
so that I can apply this knowledge to my Linux box, that would be great :)

A lot of online resources I've come across suggest using various
numbers, but I don't really understand how these number are derived or
if they are even necessary at all...

Joe Auty wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm presenting NFS shares to some FreeBSD VM guests with the following
> mount options (from my /etc/fstab):
> nfsserverip:mymount     /mountdir  nfs 
> rw,tcp,intr,noatime,nfsv3,-w=32768,-r=32768 0 0
> This seems to work well, except I have to manually load MySQL, Apache,
> and Postfix at boot time, as my /usr/local directory is hosted on my
> NFS share on this test server (these start up normally when /usr/local
> resides on a local hard drive). Is it generally a bad idea to host a
> share like this on NFS? I'm thinking that it probably is and am happy
> to serve this locally if this would be better. However, if this is not
> a red flag and there is a way to get these services to start up on
> their own at boot, could you please let me know?
> How about the wsize and rsize numbers? I was unable to find any
> resources for determining what these numbers best be set as for
> FreeBSD as a VM guest. Any pointers?
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> -- 
> Joe Auty, NetMusician
> NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful,
> professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy
> to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.
> www.netmusician.org <http://www.netmusician.org>
> joe at netmusician.org <mailto:joe at netmusician.org>

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful,
professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy
to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.
www.netmusician.org <http://www.netmusician.org>
joe at netmusician.org <mailto:joe at netmusician.org>

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