Advice request: DSL modem

Michael Doyle itmngr at
Thu Mar 11 14:04:49 UTC 2010

Thanks, that looks like EXACTLY what I need
And one of my normal vendors had it in stock too.

On 11 Mar 2010, at 11:52, Matthew Law wrote:

> Mike,
> I use a Draytek Vigor 120 (I'm in the UK, but it most certainly will  
> work
> for you aswell).  This is a self-contained ADSL modem that presents a
> PPPoE interface to your PC or server via a conventional RJ45  
> connector.
> It is painless and past firmware hiccups accepted, performs very well
> indeed.
> I use it in preference to anything because it does not get you  
> embroiled
> in PCI device driver support and it doesn't NAT or otherwise screw  
> with
> the conenction - you get 'the internet' and nothing more.
> The only downside is it is not cheap.  I think I paid around 50 GBP.
> Best regards,
> Matt.
> On Thu, March 11, 2010 10:42 am, Michael Doyle wrote:
>> I am looking for advice regarding DSL Modems:
>> I need to add a computer to our VPN which is implemented using the
>> FreeBSD IPSEC protocols.
>> So far, all our sites are connected using a wireless point-to-point
>> link provided by our ISP that
>> gives us fixed IP addresses with no NAT issues.
>> Now I need to add a site with a DSL link. My ISP will give me a fixed
>> IP address for this site
>> but can anyone recommend a DSL modem (ADSL2) that will be easy to
>> configure with this
>> setup ? (The previous model I used successfully for this purpose is  
>> no
>> longer available)

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