Severe instabilities and system lockups
Al Plant
noc at
Tue Mar 9 01:09:26 UTC 2010
Bruce Cran wrote:
> On Monday 08 March 2010 16:52:08 David Jackson wrote:
>> Are there any diagnostic tools uch as getting a log of tranmissions on
>> USB and probe it, ,or finmd out what code it is lockilng up on ?Has
>> anyone else seen these problems with USB disks?
> You'll probably get a better response by asking on the freebsd-usb mailing
> list.
> The following debug nodes for USB in 8.0 are present:
>> sysctl hw.usb | grep debug
> hw.usb.ehci.debug: 0
> hw.usb.ohci.debug: 0
> hw.usb.uhci.debug: 0
> hw.usb.ctrl.debug: 0
> hw.usb.umass.debug: 0
> hw.usb.debug: 0
> 0
> hw.usb.ugen.debug: 0
> hw.usb.uhub.debug: 0
> hw.usb.proc.debug: 0
> hw.usb.ulpt.debug: 0
> hw.usb.ucom.debug: 0
> hw.usb.uhid.debug: 0
> hw.usb.ukbd.debug: 0
> hw.usb.ums.debug: 0
> Your first step should probably be to get a verbose boot log (boot -v) - one
> of the USB developers will likely know better than I do which sysctl debug
> nodes to set to get more details.
If the node is disappearing for the USB device and it is connected by a
cable to the box try replace the cable. We had one here that would not
stay listed on the hardware and it was the cable connector gone bad.
I have never had a USB device lock up the box though.
~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii - Phone: 808-284-2740
+ + +
+ - Supporting - FreeBSD 7.2 - 8.0 - 9* +
< email: noc at >
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