Running an Old Kernel

b. f. bf1783 at
Sat Jun 26 01:18:39 UTC 2010

On 6/25/10, b. f. <bf1783 at> wrote:
> On 6/25/10, b. f. <bf1783 at> wrote:
>> Martin McCormick wrote:
>>> I have been attempting to shut off that "last login" message
>>> that occurs on some FreeBSD systems every time one runs a sudo
>>> command. I decided to bring back the last kernel which was the
> ...
>> Why on earth are you tinkering with your kernels in order to change
>> sudo output?  You should instead be editing configuration files
>> associated with sudo and related base system utilities, or patching
>> sudo.
> I should be more specific: I think you should be able to disable the
> message by commenting out the lines that refer to in
> /etc/pam.d/system, /etc/pam.d/xdm, and /etc/pam.d/telnetd.  But in
> doing so, you will lose some of the security and accounting benefits
> of last(1) and friends.  Is it really worth it, just to silence some
> console messages? In any event, don't tinker with your kernel because
> of this.  It won't help, and it may break your system.

Looking at Matthew Seaman's earlier response, I find that his
suggestion to make  changes to ${PREFIX}/etc/pam.d/sudo is more
appropriate than my guess above.  But you probably need to look into
the details, because judging from the comments in the
${PREFIX}/etc/pam.d/sudo.default file, there seems to be some
subtleties involving sudo and pam_lastlog.  Look at the pertinent
manpages, the sudo docs, and:


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