Convert all packages to ports

Glen Barber glen.j.barber at
Thu Jul 1 22:53:03 UTC 2010

On 7/1/10 5:58 PM, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> --- On Thu, 7/1/10, Glen Barber<glen.j.barber at>  wrote:
>> Once "ports" or "packages" are installed,
>> there is no
>> differentiation to the system.
> Interesting.  If this is true, then I can just start upgrading my 'pkg_add' installed packages using ports and eventually they will all be converted over to 'make'.
> However, your comment seems to be in disagreement with online warnings of "do not mix 'pkg_add' packages with 'make' ports".

portmaster will deinstall and reinstall (and I believe rollback if 
something blows up).  You are correct - don't mix ports and packages.

> My original question's intention was to prevent me from having a system where some packages were installed with 'pkg_add' while others were installed with 'make'.

portmaster is probably the easiest road to get you there.


Glen Barber

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