how do i scp .dotfiles??
'Gary Kline'
kline at
Sun Aug 29 01:05:41 UTC 2010
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:29:29AM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 28/08/2010 08:02:31, 'Gary Kline' wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 09:13:06PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> >> On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:21:12 -0500, Gary Gatten <Ggatten at> wrote:
> >>> Rename them, copy, then rename them back?
> >>
> >> Not good for a whole bunch of files; in this case: tar them together,
> >> transfer the archive, untar it; rename afterwards if needed. :-)
> >>
> >
> > If i'm going to rename, say, ~/.Plans to ~/Plans and ~/.HowtoI18 to
> > ~/HowtoI18, I may just scp -rp every ~/[.] file. the idea of using
> > find to collect a tarball may work.
> I've been reading this thread, and I'm somewhat at a loss as to why you
> need to rename all of the dotfiles at all, Gary. Dotfiles are just
> ordinary files, and programs like find(1), scp(1) or tar(1) will handle
> them just like any other file. The only difference is that shells by
> default don't include dotfiles in some glob expansions and ls(1) doesn't
> include them in directory listings. Of course, either of the above can
> be overridden: 'echo * .*' or 'ls -a' will show all files including
> dotfiles.
> The one slightly tricky thing about dealing with dotfiles is the
> presence of '..' -- the standard link to the directory above the current
> one. If you accidentally include that in a list of directories to
> recurse through, then you'll end up affecting a bunch of stuff that
> maybe you didn't expect. So long as you are aware of the possibility
> it's pretty easy to avoid this problem.
> To make a copy of your home directory on tao to a temporary directory on
> ethic, personally I'd use rsync(1) [in ports as net/rsync]. Then you
> can just do:
> % rsync -avx --delete ~/ ethic:/home/kline/
> It will default to running over ssh(1), so you need to make sure you can
> ssh from tao to ethic before you begin.
> The neat thing is that you run that command repeatedly, and each
> subsequent time it will copy only what has changed on tao over to ethic.
> I see someone has given instructions for setting up anonymous rsync --
> that's another possibility, but probably a bit OTT for this particular
> job. Anonymous rsync is probably best thought of as a superior
> replacement for anonymous FTP.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
at least for me, gtar fails to pick up dotfiles. rsynx copies
=everything=, and it looks like the test rsync script i posted
last night was working all along. it was So fast that i assumed
it was bombing entirely. i will 2-ck a few more files before i
am sure.
a question to the list is how can i copy ALL of /home to my new
server? and to you, matthew, does --delete rm out of date files
or directories? what about ?VS, given that i have virtually
everything under [CR]VS control? slightly offtopic is that i
accidently rm'd a file on tao one morning after a few minutes work.
a copy was safely croned to ethic..... (yes, i needed mmore
coffee, but i was giving thanks to zeus that hours of research and
writing were safe!)
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 7 Priory Courtyard
> Flat 3
> PGP: Ramsgate
> JID: matthew at Kent, CT11 9PW
Gary Kline kline at Public Service Unix
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