unsupported intel card registration issue

Jack Vogel jfvogel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 18:28:49 UTC 2010

Its jfv, not jvf :)

Support for that card is in  CURRENT and STABLE/8, am almost
certain its in 8.1. That's a quad-port 82576.


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Jason <jhelfman at e-e.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have an add-on Intel card that isn't registering with the OS, and were
> wondering what would it take to have it properly identified so it may be
> used.
> This particular installation is FreeBSD 7.3, however we do have some 8.1
> systems.
> This is a Dell PowerEdge R310.
> Here is a snip from pciconf for this card:
> none8 at pci0:7:0:0:       class=0x020000 card=0xa02c8086 chip=0x10e88086
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
>    device     = 'Unknown (Unknown)'
>    class      = network
>    subclass   = ethernet
> none9 at pci0:7:0:1:       class=0x020000 card=0xa02c8086 chip=0x10e88086
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
>    device     = 'Unknown (Unknown)'
>    class      = network
>    subclass   = ethernet
> none10 at pci0:8:0:0:      class=0x020000 card=0xa02c8086 chip=0x10e88086
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
>    device     = 'Unknown (Unknown)'
>    class      = network
>    subclass   = ethernet
> none11 at pci0:8:0:1:      class=0x020000 card=0xa02c8086 chip=0x10e88086
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
>    device     = 'Unknown (Unknown)'
>    class      = network
>    subclass   = ethernet
> Thanks!
> Jason

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