for the information

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Wed Aug 25 18:45:08 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 02:56:20PM +0530, tejas oza wrote:

> Dear sir/madam,
> Myself Tejas Oza a student of post-graduation. I want to use Unix Operating
> system to run some of tools that are useful in my study. Please provide me
> information from where can i get it. and whether it is free or not? and if
> its free then please provide me the link for the same, to download image
> file.

Start at

There you will find complete documentation in the Handbook plus
additional FAQs about certain issues, links to all the distributions
and the place to sign up for Email lists - I suggest signing up
for at least freebsd-questions and freebsd-announce and there may be
a couple of others you might like.

If you have no experience in UNIX, then it will take some studying
to become familiar with it.  

There are several books available.   Some are more specific to FreeBSD
and some are general UNIX books.   There is a link to some of these
on that freebsd web site also.

At first it might seem too difficult, but some persistence will pay
off and in the end your effort to learn will be worth the work.


> Thanking you,
> -- 
> Tejas Oza
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