Xorg Redux

Rem P Roberti remegius at comcast.net
Mon Aug 23 17:03:36 UTC 2010

  On 08/23/10 09:21, Warren Block wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, Rem P Roberti wrote:
>> Thanks to the list X11 is now running perfectly on my desktop; not so 
>> on my Thinkpad R51.  Here's what's happening.  I installed xorg on 
>> this new 8.1 installation, and have run the xorg configure program, 
>> copying the xorg.conf.new file to /etc/X11 as xorg.conf.  I have both 
>> hald and dbus enabled in /etc/rc.conf.  When I try to run the test on 
>> xorg.conf, or if I just run "startx" I momentarily see the initial 
>> screen, which is displayed when X11 loads, but then the screen goes 
>> blank, and that's all she wrote.  No keyboard, no mouse, totally 
>> frozen.  The only way out is a reboot via the power switch.
> The R51 should have Mobility Radeon 7500 or 9000 graphics.  Here's the 
> xorg.conf from my T42 with a 7500:
> http://laptop.bsdgroup.de/freebsd/index.html?action=show_config&config=xconfig&laptop=12947 

Apparently IBM used a number of different graphics cards with this 
laptop.  Pciconf -lv indicates a 855/GM Montara Integrated Graphics 
Device.  I am in the process of copying the xorg.conf and 
/var/log/Xorg.0.log files over to this computer so that I can post them.

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