Open Mail Relay

Paul Macdonald paul at
Sun Aug 15 15:41:03 UTC 2010

  On 15/08/2010 12:57, peter at wrote:
> At 05:13 PM 8/14/2010, Robert Bonomi wrote:
>>>  From owner-freebsd-questions at  Sat Aug 14 12:22:50 2010
>>> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 09:29:54 -0400
>>> To: freebsd-questions at
>>> From: peter at
>>> Subject: Open Mail Relay
>>> I have a machine running FreeBSD, sendmail and majordomo.  I have someone who is on one of those majordomo lists complaining that they are receiving spam from me.  The complainer says I have an open mail relay that I need to fix.
>>> I went to<> to test the machine using its IP address. gives a clean bill of health, saying relaying was denied in 17 separate tests.
>>> I've reviewed my mail logs for the past couple of days and I can't find any entries for any mail addressed to the complainer's domain name except mail that should have been sent.
>>> Is's test adequate to rule out an open mail relay problem?
>> There are -several- possible sources of spam to that list user.
>> The abusenet open-relay tests check only one of them.
>> The machine ay be compromised (ie.e 'owned') andthe bad guys have
>> installed their -own- mail-sending software on it. the logs that
>> show activity from _your_ mail-sending software would, obviously,
>> *not* show the activity of this other software.
>> In additon, whatever mailinglist said user is subscribed to _may_ be set
>> to take messaes from 'anybody', not just confirmed members of the list.
>> Thirdly, some folks sign up for a list _just_ to send their off-topic
>> commercial messages to it.
>> NONE of those three scenarios are an 'open relay', but they all result
>> in spam showing up in the list-subscriber's mailbox, that got there by
>> _from_ your machine.
> Thank you everyone for your many comments and suggestions.  The level of talent and responsiveness on this list is nothing less than stunning.
> I've requested copies of the offensive messages, and I'm hopeful the complainer will send me copies.  I believe I have control over the majordomo lists -- postings are restricted to list members, postings are monitored, and many lists are moderated.
> Assume, as Mr. Bonomi suggests, that some bad guy has installed some type of additional mailer on the machine or another machine that's allowed to relay mail.  How would I go about locating that other mailer?

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Paul Macdonald
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