Page fault in kernel when using CD, BSD 7.2

Mark Terribile materribile at
Thu Aug 12 11:31:06 UTC 2010


> Second problem: on a machine (Core 2 Quad, 2.24 GHz) the
> CD/DVD drive has started to give me page faults in the kernel.
> The "press any key on the console" to halt the reboot does
> not work.
> Okay, now it's happening with nothing but the fsck
> running.
> It takes maybe fifteen minutes.

Okay, I've got a suspect.

I got it past the fsck by going ino Single User and doing
the file systems one disk at a time.  (Two on this
machine).  I suspect the power supply has gone marginal.

My spare is much bigger than the what I need for this machine;
I'll wait on a replacement if I can.  And I'll let you all

Thanks to those who've written.

    Mark Terribile
    materribile at


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