chflags(1) unaware utilties

Roland Smith rsmith at
Tue Aug 10 21:32:18 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 05:22:47PM -0400, illoai at wrote:
> On 9 August 2010 14:00, Alexander Best <arundel at> wrote:
> > hi there,
> >
> > chflags(1) mentions that a few utilities including pax(1) aren't chflags
> > aware yet. is there a list of all those utilties available somewhere?
> > in fact the pax(1) manual states that `pax -p e` will "preserve
> > everything". this is plain wrong!
> AFIK, pax is a POSIX thing, and as such working
> correctly or sanely would violate its posix nature.
> (POSIX is an anagram of "Pox?  Si!")
> Is cpio chflags-aware?

To the best of my knowledge the _only_ way to be sure you have backed up _all_
possible features (flags, extended attributes &c) of a UFS filesystem is to
use dump(8) & restore(8).

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