it =was= ``remind''... .

Gary Kline kline at
Tue Aug 10 06:08:07 UTC 2010

the calendar layout of "when" and remind" are similar enough that
i messed up.  i think it must have been remind rather than when.   i
want remind to exec a popup that shouts at me that it is time to sack
out.  or whatever.  so far i'm trying to use -k[command" in my
~/.reminder file, but don't have it down exactly.  according to the
makefile there is a tkremind [??].  that is next to investigate.  

i have 9 or 10+ fairly brutal months ahead of me and i usually realize
that it is waaaaay past midnight just too late, :-)

thanks for any pointers.  i thought i had my old config files saved,
but nope.


 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
    The 7.83a release of Jottings:

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