KDE 4.4.2

Michael Powell nightrecon at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 24 13:49:59 UTC 2010

ajtiM wrote:

>> > ...and again my question: why upgrade on 4.4.2 after two months if
>> > 4.4.3 coming out in the end of the month?? The version 4.4 was out in
>> > February 9th!
>> Because the release of this software on FreeBSD does not happen on the
>> same day as KDE releases it. It has to be patched and ported by people
>> who are volunteering their free time. These patches are needed to make
>> compiling
>>  and running KDE on FreeBSD a worthwhile experience. This takes time.
>> A lot of third party apps are not as 100% portable as they could be, and
>> many contain a lot of 'Linuxisms' which need to be adjusted out.
>> So do not look at the release dates on the KDE site and think that
>> because KDE x.y.z is released by KDE on xx somemonth that it will
>> magically appear in the FreeBSD ports immediately. This stuff has to be
>> patched first.
>> -Mike
> I understand it but advertisement was not on KDE site but on the FreeBSD
> KDE site.

Ah - Ok. I did not do an exhaustive review of the site so maybe I missed it, 
but I did not see any mention of KDE 4.4.2. The last was 4.3.4. Perhaps you 
misread the one all the way at the bottom as 4.4.2 when it is really 4.2.4?

Probably I missed something. It is possible to check out from area51 what 
will be forthcoming. This is subject to quite a lot of change and me, I 
prefer to wait until it actually gets finalized and into the ports tree.


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