backups & cloning

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Sep 30 11:18:47 UTC 2009

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, Polytropon wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Sep 2009 21:49:01 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
>> So usually I back up /, /var, and /usr to files
>> on a USB disk or sshfs.  Then I switch to the new target system, booting
>> it with a FreeBSD disk and doing a minimal install.  That makes sure the
>> MBR is installed, gives me a chance to set all the filesystem sizes, and
>> newfses them.
> Similar here. In most cases, the FreeBSD live system is completely
> sufficient: run sysinstall, slice, boot loader, partitions, drop
> to shell; mount USB stick, restore from files located there.
>> Then I restore from the dump files created earlier, over the running
>> system.  First /usr, then /var, then /.  On reboot, it's a clone.
> This means you bring up the minimal (installed) system first, then
> do the restore? Why not do it right after the basic steps of
> preparation right from the install CD?

Probably mostly inertia, but I also like that it makes certain 
everything has been done to make a complete bootable system.  Seems like 
when I do it manually, CRS syndrome kicks in and I forget a step which 
ends up taking more time.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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