geom not clearing metadata labels

Ross westr at
Mon Sep 28 16:59:15 UTC 2009

I've got a geom based file system that is running under 2 geom
modules: multipath and journal.

I'm looking to increase the journal size on the disk, but when it
comes to re-creating the journal geom metadata, it refuses to do so
sighting the errno 1: "Operation not permitted".  I get the same error
with trying to redo the multipath metadata as well.  (The command I'm
executing is "gjournal clear -v /dev/multipath/xyz2.journal")

Permissions all look correct on the /dev devices, and I'm executing as
root/uid 0, and normal disk access is fine - so I'm a little stumped.

Executing "gjournal list" gets the following, which seems correct
(mode is r0w0e0 due to being umounted, otherwise r1w1e1 in normal

Geom name: gjournal 1011364901
ID: 1011364901
1. Name: multipath/xyz2.journal
   Mediasize: 1072668081152 (999G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r0w0e0
1. Name: multipath/xyz2
   Mediasize: 1073741823488 (1000)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r1w1e1
   Jend: 1073741822976
   Jstart: 1072668081152
   Role: Data,Journal

Obviously, I can just reformat/dd the raw disk to get rid of the
label, but I'd like to know the better way.  :-)



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