Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Fri Sep 18 15:58:59 UTC 2009

Freeco wrote:

> - What is connected to the switch in your room?

> There is connected ISP cable from my home switch and 3 pc's

So, like this:

	  <down the street>
	   <home switch>-----------<neighbor>
	<cable from home switch,
	 that also goes to ISP>
	   <room switch>
	      /  |  \
	    /    |    \
	<pc>    <pc>  <pc>

> - what is connected to the switch in your home?

> I'm not sure, but i think there is connected a cable to my switch ( i plan:
> my gateway -> switch)
> And my neighbour (with private IP)

Since you already said that you could ping from your gateway to the
'ISP' router, I'll pretend I didn't hear that your neighbour has a
private IP whilst possibly on the same physical broadcast domain.

Now, this is what you want to do if I understand the situation correctly:

	  <down the street>
	   <home switch>-----------<neighbor>
	<cable from home switch,
	 that also goes to ISP>
	   <room switch>
	      /  |  \
	    /    |    \
	<pc>    <pc>  <pc>	.6	.7

To test, plug the gateway into the cable that comes from the home
switch. Do not plug anything else into the gateway. Now, while logged
into the gateway pc:

% ping x.x.88.20
% ping x.x.88.17
% ping

...if that works, you now know that the WAN side of your network is
working correctly. Now plug the room switch into the other NIC on the
gateway, and plug in ONE pc into the switch. Have a look to see if the
'received on wrong int' messages have gone away. If so, on the pc:

% ping

...if that works:

% ping x.x.88.20

...if that one does NOT work, post back to the list, and I'll help you
with a few commands to do, so we can see where things are dying, and try
to find out if this is a NAT problem or not. If it does work:

% ping x.x.88.17

...if that works, we now know that NAT is functional, and you can reach
the ISP gateway, and it knows how to get back to you.

% ping

...if that works, you are done :)


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