Making bootable USB keys
Samuel Martín Moro
faust64 at
Thu Sep 3 15:50:06 UTC 2009
btw: my .img file is 0-filled in its 512 first bytes...
i downloaded the 8-0-BETA3-???.img, it starts with EB3C.
and I think each .img file start like that, right ?
Samuel Martín Moro
{EPITECH.} tek4
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Samuel Martín Moro <faust64 at>wrote:
> Hello
> I'm having some troubles, trying to create bootable USB keys.
> I found (freebsd-hackers ML archives) a script, supposed to create the
> bootable image from my iso file.
> But, it still don't boot... (I may do it wrong)
> In details:
> -We distribute a FreeBSD (4.7, 5.4, 6.2 and 7.2) "custom" server.
> -We burn our install CD (and, in a few, our USB sticks) on a Ferdora 9
> (sorry...)
> -USB sticks must contain a FAT32 partition (we'ld like to provide doc for
> windows users)
> Well, my english isn't so great... so I'll post my code (more
> understandable)
> #!/bin/sh
> ISO_DIR=/r00t
> ISO_PFIX=r00t
> TMPDOC=/mnt/tmpdoc
> DOCDIR=/root/samuel/docdir
> ERR=
> SFX=
> MBR=/root/samuel/mbr
> BT1=/root/samuel/boot1
> BT2=/root/samuel/boot2
> if [ -e "$1" ]; then
> elif [ "$1" -a -e "/dev/$1" ]; then
> DEVICE=/dev/$1
> elif [ "$1" ]; then
> echo "$0: incorrect device specified" >&2
> exit
> else
> echo "$0: must specify device" >&2
> exit
> fi
> for i in `mount | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
> do
> if [ "`echo $i | grep $DEVICE`" ]; then
> echo "$0: $i already mounted" >&2
> echo " umount it manually or choose an other drive" >&2
> exit
> fi
> done
> if [ -e "$TMPDOC" -a -d "$TMPDOC" ]; then
> echo "$0: removing $TMPDOC directory" >&2
> rm -rf $TMPDOC
> elif [ -e "$TMPDOC" ]; then
> mv $TMPDOC $TMPDOC.old
> echo "$0: moved $TMPDOC to $TMPDOC.old" >&2
> fi
> mkdir $TMPDOC
> if [ "$2" ]; then
> echo $2 | grep "\.img$" >/dev/null || SFX=".img"
> fi
> if [ -e "$2$SFX" ]; then
> elif [ "$2" -a -e "$ISO_DIR/$2$SFX" ]; then
> elif [ "$2" -a -e "$ISO_DIR/$ISO_PFIX-$2$SFX" ]; then
> else
> echo "$0: will use default file \`$ISO_FILE'" >&2
> echo " as system image source" >&2
> fi
> if [ -e "$ISO_FILE" ]; then
> MSize=`ls -l $ISO_FILE | awk '{print $5}'`
> else
> echo "$0: $ISO_FILE doesn't exist!" >&2
> rm -rf $TMPDOC
> exit
> fi
> if [ -z "$MSize" -o "$MSize" -lt 1 ]; then
> echo "$0: bad image size (size=$MSize)" >&2
> rm -rf $TMPDOC
> exit
> fi
> while :
> do
> echo " [ Working on $DEVICE ]"
> echo -n " determining device geometry "
> infos=`fdisk -l $DEVICE 2>/dev/null | grep "[0-9]* heads"`
> ident=`fdisk -l $DEVICE 2>/dev/null | awk '/Disk identifier/{print
> $3}'`
> csz=`fdisk -l $DEVICE 2>/dev/null | awk '/Units = cylinders /{print
> $7}'`
> eval `echo $infos | awk '{print "hpc=" $1 " sec=" $3 " cyl=" $5}'`
> if [ -z "$hpc" -o -z "$sec" -o -z "$cyl" -o -z "$csz" ]; then
> echo " [ FAIL ]"
> echo "$0: can't get infos for device $DEVICE" >&2
> rm -rf $TMPDOC
> exit
> fi
> echo " [ OK ]"
> echo -n " initializing partition table "
> # dd if=/dev/zero of=$DEVICE bs=$csz count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1
> dd if=$BT1 of=$DEVICE >/dev/null 2>&1
> round=128
> tocyl=`expr $hpc '*' $sec '*' $csz`
> ret=`expr $MSize % $tocyl`
> MSize=`expr $MSize / $tocyl`
> test "$ret" -eq "0" || MSize=`expr $MSize + 1`
> s2len=$MSize
> s2off=`expr $cyl - $s2len - 1`
> s1len=`expr $s2off - 1`
> s1off=1
> sfdisk -DLqf $DEVICE >/dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF
> $s1off $s1len b
> $s2off $s2len a5 *
> echo " [ OK ]"
> echo -n " formatting FAT32 partition "
> dd if=/dev/zero of=${DEVICE}1 bs=$csz count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1
> mkdosfs -i 42424242 -n "Docs" -F 32 ${DEVICE}1 >/dev/null 2>&1
> mount -t vfat ${DEVICE}1 $TMPDOC || ERR=1
> if [ "$ERR" ]; then
> echo " [ FAIL ]"
> echo "$0: unable to mount ${DEVICE}1 on $TMPDOC"
> rm -rf $TMPDOC
> exit
> fi
> echo " [ OK ]"
> echo -n " copying documentation files "
> cp -rp $DOCDIR/* $TMPDOC/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || ERR=2
> if [ "$ERR" ]; then
> echo " [ FAIL ]"
> echo "$0: unable to copy doc files"
> ERR=
> fi
> umount ${DEVICE}1
> echo " [ OK ]"
> echo -n " copying system "
> dd if=$ISO_FILE of=${DEVICE}2 status=noxfer >/dev/null 2>&1
> echo " [ OK ]"
> mbrsig $DEVICE 2>&1 | awk '{print " marking device with serial " $3
> }'
> echo " [ Device ready! ]"
> echo ""
> echo -n "<?> Create new USB key ? [Y/N] : " && read i
> test "$i" = "Y" -o "$i" = "y" -o "$i" = "O" -o "$i" = "o" || i=
> test -z "$i" && echo " [ leaving ]" && break
> echo " Please, remove current USB key, insert new one and press enter"
> read i
> done
> rmdir $TMPDOC
> --EOF--
> So, this is a "USB stick generator" I'm working on.
> It seems to work. (I've not tested everything, but the basis is OK)
> The stick is correctly parted.
> The documentation is copied.
> My only problem is that it still don't wan't to boot...
> At the beginning, I was trying to paste my ISO file directly in ${DEVICE}2
> Then, I found the following shell script, which is supposed to make my
> bootable image from my ISO file
> I changed 2/3 things, but some of you may recognize it anyway:
> #!/bin/sh
> MAKEFS=makefs
> MKLABEL=bsdlabel
> BSDTAR=tar
> DD="dd status=noxfer"
> make_freebsd_image()
> {
> local tree=$1
> local imagefile=$2
> local boot1=${tree}/boot/boot1
> local boot2=${tree}/boot/boot2
> echo "convert tree $tree image $imagefile"
> ${MAKEFS} -t ffs -o bsize=4096 -o fsize=512 -f 50 ${imagefile} ${tree}
> >/dev/null 2>&1
> ${MKLABEL} -w -f ${imagefile} auto >/dev/null 2>&1
> ${MKLABEL} -f ${imagefile} 2>/dev/null | sed -e '/ c:/{p;s/c:/a:/;}' | \
> ${MKLABEL} -R -f ${imagefile} /dev/stdin >/dev/null 2>&1
> ${DD} if=${boot1} of=${imagefile} conv=notrunc >/dev/null 2>&1
> ${DD} if=${boot2} iseek=1 ibs=276 2>/dev/null | \
> ${DD} of=${imagefile} oseek=1 obs=788 conv=notrunc >/dev/null 2>&1
> }
> extract_image()
> {
> [ -f $1 ] || return
> local tmp="${tree}.tree"
> [ -e ${tmp} ] && rm -rf ${tmp}
> mkdir -p $tmp
> echo "extracting $tree in $tmp"
> (cd $tmp && ${BSDTAR} xf $tree)
> tree=$tmp
> }
> if [ -z "$1" ]; then
> echo "$0: usage" >&2
> echo " $0 {ISO_input} | {system_root IMG_output}" >&2
> exit
> fi
> tree=`realpath $1`
> [ "$2" ] && image=`realpath $2` || image=`echo $tree | sed "s/.iso/.img/"`
> extract_image $tree
> make_freebsd_image $tree $image
> [ -d "$tmp" ] && (chmod -R +w $tmp && rm -rf $tmp)
> --EOF--
> This seems to work, too...
> I'm just surprised:
> root at granit:~/samuel# l -h /r00t/r00t-*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 566M 2009-09-03 15:29 /r00t/r00t-
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 526M 2009-08-08 06:58 /r00t/r00t-
> new file is 40M heavier than our iso image...
> Also, in the first script, I tried to do the first dd (initializing
> ${DEVICE}) with:
> - if=$MBR
> - if=$BT1
> - if=$BT2
> - if=/dev/zero
> none of that worked...
> So.
> Does someone understand what am I doing wrong?!
> Thanks for you help!
> Samuel Martín Moro
> CamTrace
> {EPITECH.} tek4
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