Fw: UK Currency Symbol in 7.2 Console

Graham Bentley admin at cpcnw.co.uk
Sat May 30 12:12:45 UTC 2009

OK, this is where I am up to. I have plugged my 7.1 Release hard disc
back in and I get £ signs no problem. So, I then unplug my KVM and
mini keyboard and plug standard ps2 kb / ps2 mouse in. I do a minimal
install of 7.2 Release from DVD and make sure I have uk.cp850 in my

Guess what? Theres no difference - still no £ signs at console, I get
a beep. So theres some difference in the way 7.2 looks at things
compared to 7.1. Out of interest the kb controler is on this mobo
- Asus M2N68-AM

I think its a bug or mis-detection etc

Do I report this? Or ask for help on a different list?

I dont mind doinf whatever tests are required to resolve this issue.


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