What is this forum for?

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Thu May 28 20:21:01 UTC 2009

> Forget the sports - I'm talking hot women here!  Your part of the world
> seems to be turning them out at a high rate!
> Oh wait, this has nothing to do with FBSD....

like most post on that list. Even if you remove all mails classified as 
"flamewars" there is less than 10% about FreeBSD.

Everything else is about some apps support that just happen to be in ports 
- while question are completely non-FreeBSD specific and should go to this 
app mailing list. Even more stupid - there are question about windows 
which is even less FreeBSD related.

Well 10% is exaggerated, it's less.

And will be even less within time, unless moderation will be started.

Of course moderation+clearly defined rules of this, so moderator humour 
and preferences won't matter.

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