How to move vi to /bin

Mel Flynn mel.flynn+fbsd.questions at
Thu May 14 18:19:59 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 13 May 2009 09:21:46 manish jain wrote:

> I want to move vi to /bin so that I have an editor available in
> single-user mode.

The only reason to need an editor and not have /usr and /var available is to 
edit /etc/fstab. It is trivial to spot errors with /rescue/cat and fix with 
/rescue/sed, without having to worry about a terminal.

In all other cases:
fsck -p
/etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal start
/etc/rc.d/ldconfig start

And one can use any editor one would want. Don't forget to export or setenv 
TERM to cons25 from 'dumb'.


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