Questions about groups.

illoai at illoai at
Mon May 4 18:39:36 UTC 2009

2009/5/4 Old Crankbuster <crankbuster at>:
> Coming from Gnu/Linux, I see differences in group generation on regular
> user generation, and there's a group I'm not familiar with - 'operator'.
> What does that one do?

Members of "operator" can run /sbin/shutdown among
other things.
find / -group operator
can answer better than I ever could.

> I'm familiar with 'staff' and I've added my normal user to that, and of
> course 'wheel'.
> I intend to use the system on a laptop in this case, and need to enable
> regular user access to audio, cdrom/dvd read and write, usb access, and
> network reconfiguration/dialout, games and so forth.
> I am not seeing such things as plugdev,audio,cdrom in etc/group after
> initial install.
> Do I need to manually add such groups and then point relevant packages
> to them?

Various methods apply (for instance /dev/dspN.n is world
writable), man 5 devfs.conf is a good start for some of that.

Best of luck.


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