too many video drivers
raszobbi at
Tue Mar 31 13:22:41 PDT 2009
John Nielsen wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 March 2009 03:08:14 pm Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:
>> I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too many input/video
>> drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver since my graphic
>> card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all others. but i am not
>> sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by "xf86-video-chips"
>> since i don't know what kind of "chip" that stands for. can someone
>> tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove? thanks!!
> Obviously you should keep mouse, keyboard and whatever driver(s) you
> actually plan to use (nv in this case). It's also a good idea to keep
> vesa as a fallback option. I habitually also keep the dummy driver though
> I'm not sure what it's used for. Everything else is fair game and should
> be safe to remove. "Chips" is (or was) a video card vendor so if you
> don't have such a card it's safe to remove as well.
> JN
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also, once you removed/kept what you want, don't forget to reinstall
xorg-drivers port (meta-port).
i think you get complains about missing dependencies otherwise. (rebuild
xorg-drivers with just the drivers you want)
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