WireLess USB modem not detected .

dhaneshk k dhaneshkk at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 29 22:26:00 PDT 2009

when I attach a USB modem , I am seeing this message  in dmesg output  on FreeBSD6.2 
ugen0: Qualcomm, Incorporated Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM, rev 1.10/0.00, addr 2

But it not showing  /dev/xxxx in dmesg   why ?

If it detected what will be the entry in /dev/?

Question1)  Can  this USB wireless modem will work with FreeBSD6.2 ? if not  with a any other  FreeBSD  version by default?

in FreeBSD-6.2 to enable this USB data card, is it needed to recompile the Generic kernel? if so  which patch to add  for recompilation ?

Question 2) To use this modem to get  wireless connection   which steps I have to follow further more..

 Please help me with some tips to make it work in my FreeBSD Laptop.
Thanks in Advance

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