configuring the freebsd boot manager

Ramiro Caso misha_78 at
Sun Mar 29 18:28:40 PDT 2009

> Hi everyone,
> I am having some problems understanding how the freebsd boot manager 
> works. I have installed FreeBSD and Linux on the same laptop HD and want 
> to be able to select which one to boot when the computer starts. I 
> installed the bootmanager to to the MBR during installation and when I 
> boot the laptop I am presented with four choices;
> F1 - FreeBSD
> F2 - Linux
> F3 - ???
> F4 - Linux
> but I am only able to select F1, F2-F3 only make the laptop beep and 
> doesnt load anything. The way I have set up the HD is for Partition 1 to 
> be a FreeBSD Slice, Partition 2 the Linux / Partition 3 is Linux swap 
> and Partition 4 is Linux /home. Any help would be great

This is a silly question, actually: do you have LILO installed on your Linux boot partition?
I have BootEasy on the MBR, and LILO on Linux boot, and it works just fine. Also:

> thanks,
> Brett
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