installing freebsd on windows
Frank Shute
frank at
Sat Mar 28 08:50:00 PDT 2009
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 08:39:32AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 14:45:33 +0000
> Frank Shute <frank at> wrote:
> >On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 08:31:31AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
> >>
> >> On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 11:50:40 +0000
> >> Frank Shute <frank at> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 01:03:59AM +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >It's certainly not slow and messy here. I installed PCBSD a
> >> >> >couple of months ago after a few years of rolling my own desktop
> >> >> >and I love it. On reasonable spec hardware it runs very well, the
> >> >> >developers have done an excellent job
> >> >>
> >> >> of course. windows vista runs well too on overmuscled hardware.
> A system can never be over powered.
> >> >No it doesn't. It doesn't run well on any hardware because it's got
> >> >things like a file manager that is broken for all intents and
> >> >purposes. No virtual desktops, undocumented shell etc.
> >>
> >> Actually, it supports at least four that I know of. You can Google
> >> for the information.
> >
> >Four of what?
> Virtual desktops. What are you referring to? Visit the power toys URL
> for further information.
Thanks for that. Did they use to be called PowerTools? I downloaded
them a few years ago but it didn't come with virtual desktops.
> >Why do I have to Google the info? Shouldn't there be a copy of the
> >info locally?
> Not necessarily. Many people don't want to clutter up their system with
> documentation that they will never use. I certainly don't. If I
> actually need an obscure bit of information, I can always obtain it.
And when your 'net connection is down, then you can obtain it?
I maintain the Handbook locally. It's no effort and can save my bacon
for whenever I don't have 'net access.
> >I can google for unbroken filemanagers, documented shells, install
> >cygwin etc. but the software as it stands is horribly inadequate and
> >undocumented.
> In your opinion. I never have a problem finding what I am looking for.
> >> MS Windows is probably the best documented piece of software around.
> >
> >Are you being sarcastic?
> >
> >Where's the Handbook like FreeBSDs?
> Are you being sarcastic?
> >You can read the source can you? I can't.
> If you are referring to the source code; well that is obvious. If
> something else, then what? People get paid to develop the software. If
> they gave it away, they would not make a living, the unemployment lines
> would swell, and crime would increase. Now, if you don't believe in a
> capitalistic system of free enterprise, please come over and paint my
> house this weekend. I promise not to insult you by offering to pay you.
You've fallen hook, line & sinker for the broken windows fallacy.
I support free software with a subscription to TUG. It's not my job to
keep software developers in employment though.
> >Maybe I'm just getting old but Vista documentation seems to be
> >scattered to hell and west over the 'net - if you can find what you're
> >looking for at all.
> Yes, it is fragmented. The simple fact that there is so much information
> is the cause, not the problem.
It maybe the cause but it's also a problem. There should be one page
on for each of their OSes where one can start looking
for info.
For instance, I did a search for "cmd.exe commands" on Google and it
didn't return a useful page from on the first page.
That's weak. What's even weaker is that cmd.exe isn't described in any
of the local documentation on Vista/XP.
> >> What is it you are looking for?
> >
> >Where are the documents for using their crappy filemanager? There are
> >some with what they call, exaggeratingly, their help system but they
> >are useless compared to any unix documentation. Probably there are a
> >limited number of ways you can describe such an excrescance as the
> >Vista Explorer replacement.
> >
> >Where are the manpages for their shell? They should at least have some
> >documentation that comes with the OS that lists and describes the
> >commands it supports. It doesn't.
> Did you actually install the 'Power Shell?' I assume that is what you
> are talking about. Read the 'Getting Started" pages. I just installed
> it and there is a wealth of information there. Certainly enough to get
> started with.
I was talking about cmd.exe. That's the shell on Windows isn't it?
I thought Powershell shipped with my version of Vista (business) but I
guess I was wrong.
> BTW, many people consider 'man' to be an acronym for "Much About
> Nothing". Therein lies the reason that O'Reilly has make a fortune
> distributing 'How-To' books.
I own a shelf full of O'Reilly books. If I get my softs for free, I
don't mind paying for extra documentation.
When I pay for software, I expect it to be thoroughly documented (à la
AutoCAD with a big thick manual).
> >I'm looking for an OS with a sane file hierarchy and a shell I can use
> >to manage the files therein. An editor better than Notepad would be a
> >bonus too.
> Wrong, you are looking for a specific OS that is tailored to your very
> specific specification. Everyone does not (thank GOD) have the same
> criteria. If it suits you, then great. If not, find one that does.
> Bitching like an old wash woman accomplishes nothing.
I told you what constitutes my idea of some of the things that a
proper OS consists of. Contrary to your assertion, that does not
constitute "bitching like an old wash woman" you clod.
FYI, I've found an OS that works for me.
> >Extensive documentation on the machine is a must.
> Then install it. Everyone does not want massive amounts of useless
> clutter.
That's your problem. You see documentation as clutter, I see it as
> >I've searched on google for documentation on the powershell to no
> >avail. All the docs as such seem to be available if you are a member
> >of MSDN - I presume so anyway, but for the general public they don't
> >seem to be readily available.
> Obviously, you have not installed the shell. Besides the info included
> with the program, you might want to check out the following URL. It
> should answer most of your immediate questions. I also question you
> 'search' ability. I don't seem to be having any problem finding
> gratuitous amounts of documentation.
User guide in rtf and docs in txt. Laughable.
They've obviously put so much effort into documenting it </sarcasm>
> >In short, I gave Vista a decent shot (I quite like XP) but it was like
> >wading through treacle and I thought that if I am to get the best out
> >of it, I'm probably going to have to sign up for MSDN and download
> >vast amounts of "missing" software and spend inordinate amounts of
> >time on google.
> Yes, it is commonly referred to as a 'learning curve' Personally,
> anyone who cannot handle a Win32 machine has serous problems. Six year
> old kids gleefully manipulate a PC without problems. I know several 7 &
> 8 year old kids running MS Office without any difficulty at all. It all
> depends on how motivated you are.
Can they manipulate their files & dirs with the Vista file manager?
Nobody's pointed out docs for the aforesaid file manager yet.
> Conversely, I know many individuals who just plain gave up tying to run
> a *.nix system because they could not get a device to work, or locate a
> driver, or find a support mechanism that was suitable for them
> purposes. Things like FLASH have always been problematic on FreeBSD.
> >The cost and time benefits didn't seem worth it since I'm quite happy
> >with FreeBSD and there's only one Windows only application that I use:
> >AutoCAD; for that I maintain an XP installation.
> If you are happy with something, then why bitch. You sound like an old
> lady.
That's the second time you've accused me of bitching like an old
Top tip: If you can't write without throwing in ad hominems don't
write at all.
<snip guff>
Now run along and play with Windows since it's the "best documented"
OS in the world. Have fun & spend lots of money to keep those poor
developers employed & stop the capitalist system from falling down!
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