Instalation DVD on Lenovo R500 hangs right after start menu

Leslie Jensen leslie at
Thu Mar 19 12:30:18 PDT 2009

As you can read in the subject I'm not succesful in booting on the 
installation DVD. Default choice hangs, selecting 2 for disableing acpi 
does not help

I've tried with a lot of BIOS features disabled. Unfortunately there's 
no change, the machine stops at the same place every time. After the 
menu it starts loading /boot/kernel/acpi.ko then it hangs. Must cycle 
power to start again. Have tried all the choices in the menu, same 
result. Have tried with FreeBSD 7.0 i386 and amd64, 7.1 i386, desktopBSD 
1.6, same behaviour.

If you have any suggestions I'll be glad to try them out :-)



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