bsd vs gpl

Chad Perrin perrin at
Mon Mar 16 11:28:13 PDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 08:36:21AM +0000, Saifi Khan wrote:
> There are two rights associated.
>  Rights to Usage
>  Rights to Modify
> When you take a piece of code licensed under GPL and "modify" it, you
> are required to make your changes available and also under the same
> license ie. GPL. So the rights to modify comes with covenants in GPL.
> In the case of BSD and ASL, there is no such covenant.
> It may also be pertinent to know that under any license, the recipient
> cannot change the copyright ownership or the notice for eg. " ... The
> Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved. ..."

This is not an accurate representation.  You have the right to modify
with BSD-licensed code just as with GPLed code.  The difference is that,
if you distribute what you've modified, with the GPL you are required to
conform to specific restrictions on how it may distributed, whereas with
the BSD license that requirement does not exist.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
Quoth The Financial Times: "As an ultimate incentive to solve the
millennium bug computer problem, China has ordered its airline
executives to take a flight on January 1, 2000."
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