php5 changes in release 8.0

Michael Powell nightrecon at
Thu Mar 5 15:56:35 PST 2009

Bill Moran wrote:

> In response to Fbsd1 <fbsd1 at>:
>> Having problems installing php5 in 7.1 so tried 8.0 and see that in
>> release 8.0 php5 in defaulting to apache 22 when apache interface is
>> selected from the make config menu. The config menu should give option
>> to select apache 13 or apache 22 not force apache 22 on the user
>> community. Is the maintainer going to change the config menu before php5
>> 8.0 is released for production?
> If you want a different version of Apache, all you have to do is install
> Apache first, then PHP will use the version you have installed.
> It's always been that way.  It's just that up till now the default was
> 1.3.  It's _LOOONG_ past time when the default should have moved to 2.X.
Could always try APACHE_PORT= www/apache13 in /etc/make.conf, or somesuch, 
whichever incantation is used these days. Ref: /usr/ports/Mk/


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