Server encryption

David Karapetyan dkarapet at
Tue Mar 3 12:13:34 PST 2009

Hello, I was wondering if it was a worthwhile endeavor to encrypt a 
backup hard drive on a server that I currently have in my office at 
school (I am a graduate student). I do have sensitive data on it 
(backups of my mail, as well as an msmtprc file that contains the 
password to a gmail account of mine). I am not particularly worried 
about theft of my server, but you never know. Am I simply being 
paranoid, or is there a considerable risk when one does not encrypt?

On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 08:33:55PM +0100, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> I'm considering a Squid box serving two different networks, both with  
> their own Internet access.
> Access from network 1 to default router on network 1
> and
> Access from network 2 to default router on network 2
> How do one set default router per NIC?
> Thanks
> /Leslie
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David Karapetyan
University of Notre Dame
Department of Mathematics
255 Hurley Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-4618
Phone: 574-631-5706
Cell:  202-460-5173
Fax:   574-631-6579

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