Linux binary wants GLIBC_2.4, GLIBCXX_3.4.9

Edward Ruggeri smallhand at
Mon Mar 2 11:20:44 PST 2009

Thanks very much!  Will this actually change behavior of the Linux
kernel module, or is it just supposed to trick new versions of
linux_base to build?

-- Ned Ruggeri

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Pieter de Goeje <pieter at> wrote:
> On Monday 02 March 2009, Edward Ruggeri wrote:
>> I am using FreeBSD 7.0 Stable.  I want to run the Linguistica project
>> Linux binary.  However, after loading the Linux kernel module, when I
>> try to run the binary the system replies:
>> ./lxa-ubuntu-325: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not
>> found (required by ./lxa-ubuntu-325)
>> ./lxa-ubuntu-325: /usr/lib/obsolete/linuxthreads/ version
>> `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ./lxa-ubuntu-325)
>> Besides asking the Linguistica developers whether they actually must
>> require such recent versions of the GNU C, C++ libraries, I tried to
>> install a more recent linux_base.  However, everything beyond
>> linux_base-fc4 does not support Linux kernel 2.4.2.
>> Is there a module for a newer version of the linux kernel that I can
>> build so as to install a newer linux_base?  Or is there a way to use
>> the same 2.4.2 module but use more recent GNU C libraries?  I am not
>> an expert in this area; is there something I haven't thought of?
> You can "upgrade" the linux compatibility layer by setting the sysctl:
>  compat.linux.osrelease=2.6.18
> For example in /etc/sysctl.conf. Then you should be able to install a newer
> version of linux_base.
> --
> Pieter de Goeje

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