(no subject)

David Collins davidcollins001 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 07:44:32 UTC 2009

I nfs mount my freeBSD server on my mac, 10.4. For some reason the
mount command doesn't seem to figure out to use mount_nfs, at least
not for me so I run it directly.

mount_nfs -Ps nfs.server.ip:/path/to/share mnt

The -P has to be used with linux nfs servers to use privileged ports,
but not sure if it does with FreeBSD, I also us -s so that if the
server goes down I can kill the connection

>  I tried mounting a mac box to my FreeBSD server a while back, but I
>  think I was not able to get it to go RW.
>  How do you set up NFS as a service in OSX 10.4?  That would be the
>  best way as my backup scripts are already set up to do an NFS mount.
>  Thanks,
>  Chris

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