pkg_deinstall: "delete all packages installed, except for X, Y and Z"

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Wed Jun 3 09:10:05 UTC 2009

> Hello list.
> I am trying to clean up a system with a LOT of cruft. Is there some
> argument I could pass to pkg_deinstall that would result in "delete
> all packages installed, except for X, Y and Z" (and obviously their
> dependancies)?

just do

pkg_info |cut -f 1 -d " " >/tmp/pkglist
edit pkglist and delete lines X, Y and Z


pkg_delete `cat /tmp/pkglist`
rm /tmp/pkglist

ignore errors about package can't be deleted because X, Y or Z requires 
it. it's exactly what you want.

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