SanDisk FreeBSD 7.2 p1 install

Chris Whitehouse cwhiteh at
Mon Jul 6 20:23:40 UTC 2009

Al Plant wrote:
> Chris Whitehouse wrote:
>> Al Plant wrote:
>>> Aloha,
>>> I read that the kernel module ndis0 work with wireless devices.
>>> Where do I get the original W32 driver.inf for the Broadcom 4310 
>>> wireless?
>> Either on a CD/DVD that came with the machine or the Broadcom Wireless 
>> LAN Driver here if yours is HP 2133 Mini-Notebook
>> it is a self extracting exe file so you either need to run it on a 
>> windows machine or it will work in Wine.
>> This is a useful page if you haven't already found it
>> I created an ndis driver using these instructions, unfortunately it 
>> caused a panic so I couldn't use it, YMMV.
>> Chris
>> PS if you have problems extracting the files I can do them and send 
>> them off list.
> Aloha Chris,
> Thanks for the help.
> I only have FreeBSD computers here so I havent looked at the CD that 
> came with the Mini. It doesnt say what os it is.
> It is a HP Mini 1000.

In that case you probably want to look for your exact model on this page

though I checked a few and they all seemed to end up at the same driver 
so maybe exact model doesn't matter.

ndis wants drivers for Windows XP

> It runs Linux (Ubuntu Debian Hybrid for HP)
> I am working out of the office today so I will take a look at the 
> suggested links when I get back.
> ~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
>   + + +
>   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
>   < email: noc at >
> "All that's really worth doing is what we do for others."- Lewis Carrol

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