load kernel from different media

Chris Whitehouse cwhiteh at onetel.com
Sat Jul 4 17:26:15 UTC 2009

Sergio de Almeida Lenzi wrote:
> Em Qua, 2009-07-01 às 22:40 +0100, Chris Whitehouse escreveu:
> Yes you can.
> put your kernel (the one that works) on a DVD/CD
> assume that your rootfs on the HD is on ad0s1a, /usr is on /dev/ad0s1e
> with all the /boot directory.
> than boot from dvd/CD
> with the HD on the machine too.
> on the startup, hit 6 (number 6).
> than type:
> set vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:ad0s1a"
> boot -s
> ====================
> the machine will boot from the CD (with the kernel on the CD)
> than will mount the filesystem / (root) using ufs and the
> device /dev/ad0s1a
> once boot, you can mount the / rw..... 
> mount -o rw /dev/ad0s1a /mnt
> mount /dev/ad0s1e /usr
> than.....
> export PATH=/mnt/sbin:/mnt/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
> mount -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 /cdrom
> cd /cdrom
> tar cf - boot | tar -xpvf - -C /mnt
> ===============
> edit /mnt/fstab to match the /(root) fs .....
> ==============fstab=========
> /dev/ad0s1a                /            ufs            rw        1    1
> =====================
> fastboot
> the machine will reboot and boot happy on the hd....
> hope it can help
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Hi sergio

thanks for your reply. I've been playing around with bootable pen drives 
cd's and hard disks with varying degrees of breakage :) however now i"ve 
found the workaround for the original problem which is simply to disable 
firewire in the BIOS.



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