ANNOUNCE: Custom GNOME-based FreeBSD iso released
Sergio de Almeida Lenzi
lenzi.sergio at
Wed Jul 1 18:50:33 UTC 2009
Em Qua, 2009-07-01 às 13:51 -0400, Trey Sizemore escreveu:
> On Tue Jun 30, 2009 09:45AM, Tim Judd wrote:
> > On 6/30/09, Andrew Gould <andrewlylegould at> wrote:
> > > 2009/6/30 Manolis Kiagias <sonicy at>:
> > >> Hash: SHA1
> > >>
> > >> Hey all,
> > >>
> > >> Continuing the effort in producing custom FreeBSD builds, I am pleased
> > >> to announce a GNOME-based one.
> > >> This includes a complete GNOME 2.26.2 desktop and also the
> > >> gnome-power-tools and gnome-fifth-toe package collections.
> > >>
> > >> As always, feedback is welcome.
Humm ... interesting...
I am doing the same thing here (for personal use),
besides gnome2-fith-toe, and power-tools,
I have:
totem-xine (better because of snapshot, and zoom in/out)
ffmpeg svn (better libavcodec)
dvdstyler 1.7, with wxsvg 1.0R, and ffmpeg svn (new features, new option
menus and navigation tools)
mencode, mplayer last release (linked against libavcodec, faster, and
with swscale, in ffmeg)
pgadmin3 (linked to work with UTF8)
glib20 patched to solve the evolution slow start.
mono 2.4.2 and companies (monodevelop, gnome-subtitles...)
jdk1.6p14 (java 1.6 last bsd patches)
openoffice 3.2 M50 (last patches from openoffice team
avidemux 2.4.2 (better and faster, with last seamonkey software)
epiphany linked agains the webkit-gtk (works better for me than the
firefox2 render engine)
Linux 2.4.2 and F8 (you choose)
Flashplugin9 running on AMD64 with few cpu overhead
ZFS BASED rootFS , with var, usr, tmp.... on ZFS too
GDM version 1.8 whtin the old tools (gdmsetup, conf files....)
Xorg last version with working HAL and DBUS (including mouse and
keyboard mapping).
If there is interest in the FreeBSD community I will try to put an image
in internet (ONE pkg_add installs them all).
Hope is usefull,
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