FreeBSD 7.1, routing tables, rc.conf

Arjan van der Oest arjan.van.der.oest at
Thu Jan 29 08:33:47 PST 2009

Funny, I wasn't aware of this new option in 7.1, hence my question. From what I see some stuff is already modified to use this new option (like ipfw), but others require the setfib utility. I'm not sure if you can add routes directly from rc.conf, but why not try 'setfib -<fib> route add xxx' ?


Met vriendelijke groet / Kind Regards,
Worldmax Operations B.V.

Arjan van der Oest
Network Design Engineer
T.: +31 (0) 88 001 7912
F.: +31 (0) 88 001 7902
M.: +31 (0) 6 10 62 58 46
GPG: (Key ID: 07286F78) fingerprint: 2E9F 3AE2 0A8B 7579 75A9  169F 5D9E 5312 0728 6F78

-----Original Message-----
From: KES [mailto:kes-kes at] 
Sent: donderdag 29 januari 2009 17:26
To: Arjan van der Oest
Cc: questions at
Subject: Re[2]: FreeBSD 7.1, routing tables, rc.conf

Здравствуйте, Arjan.

I mean:
options         ROUTETABLES=2

Then I do manually:
setfib 0 route add default <G.A.T.E1>
setfib 1 route add default <G.A.T.E2>

in rc.conf I can do for FIB0:

How to do same thing for other routing tables?

I exepct next feature to exists:

AvdO> What exactly do you mean with two routing tables?

AvdO> -- 
AvdO> Met vriendelijke groet / Kind Regards,
AvdO> Worldmax Operations B.V.
AvdO> Arjan van der Oest
AvdO> Network Design Engineer
AvdO> T.: +31 (0) 88 001 7912
AvdO> F.: +31 (0) 88 001 7902
AvdO> M.: +31 (0) 6 10 62 58 46
AvdO> GPG: (Key ID: 07286F78) fingerprint:
AvdO> 2E9F 3AE2 0A8B 7579 75A9  169F 5D9E 5312 0728 6F78
AvdO> -----Original Message-----
AvdO> From: owner-freebsd-questions at
AvdO> [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at] On Behalf Of KES
AvdO> Sent: donderdag 29 januari 2009 17:00
AvdO> To: questions at
AvdO> Subject: FreeBSD 7.1, routing tables, rc.conf

AvdO> Здравствуйте, Questions.

AvdO> I have two routing tables.
AvdO> How to setup two default routes for each routing table in rc.conf?

С уважением,
 KES                          mailto:kes-kes at

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