port openoffice.org-devl (3.1.20081224) installs fine but does not run

Matthias Apitz matthias.apitz at oclc.org
Wed Jan 28 06:26:34 PST 2009

El día Saturday, January 24, 2009 a las 03:25:25PM +0100, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> El día Saturday, January 24, 2009 a las 10:13:32AM -0200, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi escribió:
> > Hello...
> > 
> > 
> > It is because the installation (the makefile is wrong, it install the
> > binary /usr/local/openoffice.org..../openoffice.org3/program/soffice
> > as a copy of soffice.bin)
> > it must install it as a shell script that fixes the loader path.
> > here is the shell script (named soffice).
> > copy over the binary soffice and make it executable
> > here it runs fine...   FreeBSD amd64.
> Hola Sérgio,
> ¡Obrigado!
> I will give it a try. The e-mail transport has mangeled a bit with your
> shell script but I have seen two identicals ones in the port:
> work/DEV300_m38/desktop/scripts/soffice.sh
> work/DEV300_m38/desktop/unxfbsdi.pro/misc/soffice.sh
> and I will test it.

This really helped:

# mv /usr/local/openoffice.org-DEV300_m38/openoffice.org3/program/soffice /usr/local/openoffice.org-DEV300_m38/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.orig
# cp work/DEV300_m38/desktop/unxfbsdi.pro/misc/soffice.sh /usr/local/openoffice.org-DEV300_m38/openoffice.org3/program/soffice
# chmod 0755 /usr/local/openoffice.org-DEV300_m38/openoffice.org3/program/soffice



Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <matthias.apitz at oclc.org> - w http://www.oclc.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/

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