ATI HD 4550 xorg.conf "radeon" driver

Roland Smith rsmith at
Sat Aug 29 17:30:29 UTC 2009

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 03:11:29PM +0000, Jeronimo Calvo wrote:
> updated to STABLE 7.2:
> Installed radeonhd from radeonhd:
> after this, i edited my /etc/X11/Xorg.conf
> editing that line:
> [iscariote@ /usr/home/iscariote]$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep radeonhd
>     Driver
> "radeonhd"
> after, i did install glxgears ant runned:
> Seems to be working fine, the gears run smothly...
> But... When I try to set up the effects on gnome... the option still not
> available...
> Any ideas?

Hardware 3D accelleration for this GPU (codename RV710XT) isn't available yet,
I think.  If it was, the command 'grep Direct /var/log/Xorg.0.log' should
return '(II) RADEONHD(0): Direct rendering enabled'.

3D accelleration support for newer Radeons is being worked on, though, and to
quote Robert Noland it is "coming along nicely".

If you are willing to install the radeon kernel module and possibly libdrm and
the radeonhd driver from their respective git repositories, it might
work. Otherwise, you'll have to be patient for a while longer.

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