Information on Setting up a Jailed Webserver

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Thu Aug 27 03:10:38 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:59 PM, APseudoUtopia <apseudoutopia at>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a small site which runs PostgreSQL, Nginx, and PHP. I'm looking
> into running nginx inside a jailed host on my server for security
> reasons (eg, if there is a hole in a php script).
> The website root is actually a working copy of my subversion
> repository. I have svnserve running through OpenVPN. My plan would be
> to have svnserve and OpenVPN running on the "main" system, and
> nginx/php running inside a jail.
> I was wondering if it would be somehow possible to run a command on
> the main system that updates the svn working copy inside the jail for
> nginx to serve. Would I need to do the "svn up" over tcp/ip from the
> jail to the main system? Or can I somehow update it via
> file://path/to/main/repo?
The second method, it's quite easy.

> I've never used or setup a jail before, so
> how everything works is a bit confusing to me. Right now, I use an svn
> post-commit hook to update the www working copy.
> Also, how memory-intensive is a jail?

Very light when compared to other virtualization methods.  Usually, most
setups won't run things that require a lot disk io in virtual systems, but
jails are an exception.  Practically native speed, it's easier to understand
jails by thinking of them as an enhanced chroot enviro rather than a
virtualization instance.

> I'm willing to run postgresql in
> another jail as well if it wouldn't be too memory-intensive.  And
> possibly even an IRC server.

If you're going to run multiple jails, look at /usr/ports/sysutils/ezjail

> I'm running FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p3.

Keep in mind jail needs to run same kernel as host.  If you upgrade base
system, do so with every jail as well.

> Thank you for the suggestions, advise, and criticisms.
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Adam Vande More

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