csh & tcsh history missing after reboot FBSD_8

Al Plant noc at hdk5.net
Thu Aug 20 02:23:44 UTC 2009

Warren Block wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2009, Al Plant wrote:
>> Aloha,
>> Terminal history gone.
>> I cannot get any recent version of FreeBSD 8.* to keep the csh or tcsh 
>> history across a "reboot" in root or usr. It stays after "exit" and a 
>> new login however.
> Does the history stick around if you do "shutdown -r now" instead of 
> "reboot"?
> -Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
Aloha Warren,

No. I used shutdown -r now and shutdown -h now and they both blow it away.


~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
   + http://hawaiidakine.com + http://freebsdinfo.org +
   + http://aloha50.net   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
   < email: noc at hdk5.net >
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