duplex printing with OOo.

Polytropon freebsd at edvax.de
Wed Aug 19 18:28:37 UTC 2009

On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 11:05:19 -0700, Gary Kline <kline at thought.org> wrote:
> 	Well, after umch mucking around, the Brother 5250DN works with 
> 	OO and prints in Duplex only if I turn the dialog to OFF where is
> 	say
> 	Duplex			__ [arrows]

Do I understand this correctly? Duplex works in OO when duplex
is set to OFF = no duplex? Oh joy of modern software!

This reminds me to a POS program with a very creative
error handling, it went like this:

	switch error
	case 1: "printer not connected";
	case 2: "scanner not connected";
	case 4: "keyboard not connected";
	case 8: "some other error";
	default: "file not found"; (without mentioning which file)

Maybe OO should add something like "In order to activate a
feature, deactivate it". :-)

> 	Now that that's resolved, I can change the printer web page
> 	config back to Simplex and everything will be fine.  The King
> 	will be in his heaven; God will be in his Counting_House, &c.

I hope both are well, "up and running". :-)

By the way, long time that I saw someone write "&c.".

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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