Freebsd-update fetch failed...

Marc Coyles mcoyles at
Thu Aug 6 14:50:05 UTC 2009

Evening folks... have just built up a new 7.0-RELEASE box, and have gone to update it to 7.0-RELEASEp11, however, whenever I run freebsd-update fetch I get the following:

bigsis2# freebsd-update fetch
Looking up mirrors... none found.
Fetching metadata signature for 7.0-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 2 metadata files... failed.

Have tried using update., update1., and update2., but no joy on any of them.

Any ideas? The box talks fine to the net, everything else on it is hunkydorey, so I'm assuming the error isn't at my end... and before anyone asks, I'm stuck with 7.0-RELEASE thanks to cPanel not supporting anything more current than that at the moment (boo hiss).

My other option is to grab the contents of /var/db/freebsd-update/ off my other server, copy over to this new box, and run 'freebsd-update install' and see if it then realises that it has the files and gets on with it... 

Any better suggestions?

Marc A Coyles - Horbury School ICT Support Team
Mbl: 07850 518106
Land: 01924 282740 ext 730
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